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This Gradle plugin configures an Android application module with the necessary setup for Hilt Dependency Injection (DI). It automatically manages versioning by updating the version in a `` file with each build. The plugin streamlines the setup for the Android application, enabling seamless integration with Hilt DI and automatic version management. Warning: Modifying or changing the `appspirimentlibs.versions.toml` file manually can cause the plugin to fail, as it may get overwritten during plugin updates. For any version changes or dependency additions, it is recommended to update the default `libs.versions.toml` file instead.


Version 0.0.1

Created 16 January 2025.

This Gradle plugin configures an Android application module with the necessary setup for Hilt Dependency Injection (DI). It automatically manages versioning by updating the version in a `` file with each build. The plugin streamlines the setup for the Android application, enabling seamless integration with Hilt DI and automatic version management. Warning: Modifying or changing the `appspirimentlibs.versions.toml` file manually can cause the plugin to fail, as it may get overwritten during plugin updates. For any version changes or dependency additions, it is recommended to update the default `libs.versions.toml` file instead.

Add this plugin to your build using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
  id("io.github.appspiriment.application") version "0.0.1"

See also:

  • Adding the plugin to build logic for usage in precompiled script plugins.

    See the relevant documentation for more information.

    Add this plugin as a dependency to <convention-plugins-build>/build.gradle(.kts):

    dependencies {
    It can then be applied in the precompiled script plugin:
    plugins {
  • The legacy method of plugin application. See the relevant documentation for more information.
    buildscript {
      repositories {
      dependencies {
    apply(plugin = "io.github.appspiriment.application")
  • Applying plugins to all subprojects .