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Sign and timestamp Windows executable files, Microsoft Installers (MSI), Cabinet files (CAB), Catalog files (CAT), Windows packages (APPX/MSIX) or scripts (PowerShell, VBScript, JScript, WSF)

(08 February 2024)


Bjoern is a universal bdd test generater (and a person). The main focus is to generate java-classes from bdd-style text files to ensure synchronisation between the specification and the code.

(19 April 2024)


Scott provides detailed failure messages for tests written in Java, without the use of complex assertion libraries to aid developers in rapid development, troubleshooting and debugging of tests. All information is presented on the source code of the test method as comments.

(29 September 2021)


This plugin aims to help in the competitive programming challenges by allowing you to develop in several files with a one click build, and sharing a common set of codes between challenges. Don't reinvent the wheel, focus on the subject! Supports Problem parsing and Junit based test case matching for better testing and debugging.

(12 November 2021)


A plugin for integrating with Coverity, a static analysis platform. Adds tasks to the project that will emit, analyze, and commit data using Coverity Analysis Tools that are installed on the user's machine. Supports analysis of Java code for Java and/or Android projects.

(11 January 2016)


Running some tasks before building, you can create tasks in your projects with java and run before compileJava task, or execute "runSourceTask" task. To use this plugin, you need add compileOnly dependency "com.github.luiqn2007:UselessPluginLib", and create task class in `lq2007.plugins.gradle_plugin` package in your source, implement interface. You can create or edit source by javaparser.

(27 February 2022)