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Owner: Lanchon

The DexPatcher Patch Library plugin produces a DexPatcher patch library file that bundles compiled changes and additions to code and resources of a source application imported as a DexPatcher APK library, without bundling any part of the source application itself. The file is similar in structure to an Android library (AAR) file. The changes bundled in a patch library can be applied to the source application using the DexPatcher Patched Application plugin. Several patch libraries can be applied in the same step, or their application can be serialized though the cyclic use of the APK Library and Patched Application plugins. DexPatcher is free software. (GPLv3+)


Version 2.0.0-alpha2

Created 16 April 2019.

The DexPatcher Patch Library plugin produces a DexPatcher patch library that bundles compiled changes to code, manifest and resources of a source application without bundling any part of the application itself. The source application is provided as an Android APK or a DexPatcher APK library. DexPatcher patch libraries are similar in structure to Android libraries (AAR files). The changes bundled in a patch library are applied to its source application using the DexPatcher Patched Application plugin. Several patch libraries can be applied in the same step or their application can be serialized and chained. DexPatcher is free software. (GPLv3+)

Add this plugin to your build using the plugins DSL:

plugins {
  id("com.github.lanchon.dexpatcher.patch-library") version "2.0.0-alpha2"

See also:

  • Adding the plugin to build logic for usage in precompiled script plugins.

    See the relevant documentation for more information.

    Add this plugin as a dependency to <convention-plugins-build>/build.gradle(.kts):

    dependencies {
    It can then be applied in the precompiled script plugin:
    plugins {
  • The legacy method of plugin application. See the relevant documentation for more information.
    buildscript {
      repositories {
      dependencies {
    apply(plugin = "com.github.lanchon.dexpatcher.patch-library")
  • Applying plugins to all subprojects .