Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.kazurayam.inspectus4katalonadds 'gradle drivers' task which downloads required jars from the Maven Central repository to locate them into the Drivers folder of a Katalon Studio project |
(17 November 2024) |
io.github.janbarari.gradle-analytics-pluginA free Gradle plugin for analytics of your projects. Provides unique visual and text metrics in HTML format. |
(21 July 2024) |
com.appland.appmapInteractive maps and architecture analysis to help you write better Java. |
(13 September 2023) |
loggersoft.cpp-build-tunerThe plugin performs C++ build tunning according to current build variant: debug or release. |
(16 September 2020) |
com.gitlab.stfs.gradle.dependency-graph-pluginA Gradle plugin to produce a dependency report in dot format that can be used to generate a visual dependency graph |
(20 May 2020) |
at.droiddave.graphettoInspector Graphetto is a Gradle build plugin to inspect and visualize the task execution graph of your build. |
(29 April 2020) |
de.pipiobjo.gradle.plugin.GanttGradleTaskPluginTrace your gradle tasks via gantt |
(13 March 2020) |
org.bitbucket.akornilov.cpp-build-tunerThe plugin performs C++ build tunning according to current build variant: debug or release. |
(28 October 2019) |
com.naren.dependency.class-dependencyThis plugin utilizes ClassGraph to generate depedency graphs to visualize the relationships between the classes |
(28 July 2019) |
com.github.kazurayam.visualtestinginksWith this Gradle Plugin you can import the components (Test Cases, Test Suites, Test Listener, Keywords) into your own Katalon Studio project and make it capable of running WebUI screenshot comparison testings. |
(12 June 2019) |