Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.github.evestera.depsizePlugin that adds a task "depsize" which calculates and shows dependency sizes. For further documentation, see github repository. |
(04 March 2021) |
com.releaseshub.gradle.pluginGradle Plugin to automatically upgrade your java gradle project dependencies and send a GitHub pull request with the changes |
(01 March 2021) |
dk.kmd.helm.chart.publishHelm chart release plugin that uses git repositories (GitHub for example) as a helm chart repository. |
(26 January 2021) |
com.github.umorigu.gradle-git-repo-pluginUse GitHub repository as a maven repository using native git / ssh |
(19 April 2020) |
com.github.eirnym.js2pA plugins that generates Java or Scala sources from JsonSchema using jsonschema2pojo. Please, see the GitHub page for details |
(02 April 2020) |
com.github.tagantroy.gradle-redis-build-cacheA Gradle build cache implementation that uses Redis to store the build artifacts. Since this is a settings plugin the build script snippets below won't work. Please consult the documentation at Github. |
(11 December 2019) |
me.seeber.repository.gitGradle project configuration for Github Repositories |
(19 September 2019) |
de.maltsev.gradle.semanticreleaseAutomated release version evaluation based on commit messages for Travis and GitHub |
(05 September 2019) |
com.trevjonez.AndroidGithubReleasePluginAndroid variant aware tasks for creating github releases and uploading assets |
(03 July 2019) |
com.github.kamatama41.git-releaseA Gradle plugin that can release a Maven artifact into a Git repository, which is generally expected to be a GitHub Pages. |
(02 March 2019) |