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Tools and utilities written in Java to help in day-to-day work. CSV To Excel Converts a set of csv files into 1 Excel file. Each csv file is a sheet within excel CSV Diff Diffs two directories containing csv files. Each directory must have the same name and number of files as the other XML Clean Strips out fluff from the XML and manipulating the XML. The use case for this is, before comparison, sometimes XMLs need to be cleaned and renamed. The cleaned xmls can be diffed using xmlunittask. XML DIFF Diffs two directories containing xml files. Each directory must have the same name and number of files as the other READ BLOB Extracts Blobs from Database.SQL should contain a string name and then blob WEBDAV PULL Downloads files from a WEBDAV site, proxy configuration is supported WEBDAV PUSH Pushes files to a WEBDAV site, proxy configuration is supported

(30 August 2014)


Gradle plugin to upload files to Azure Blob Storage.

(10 April 2024)


This is a Gradle build cache implementation that uses the Azure Blob Storage as a Storage backend for cache objects.

(15 July 2020)


This plugin allows you to access a remote Azure Keystore to store and retrieve keys.

(07 May 2024)