Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-full-reportThe org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-coverage and org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-full-report plugins provide tasks and configuration to aggregate jacoco coverage reports and thresholding at the root project level. |
(18 February 2020) |
org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-coverageThe org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-coverage and org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-full-report plugins provide tasks and configuration to aggregate jacoco coverage reports and thresholding at the root project level. |
(18 February 2020) |
one.util.huntbugsHuntBugs gradle plugin |
(23 September 2016) |
com.azizutku.jacocoaggregatecoveragepluginThe JaCoCo Aggregate Coverage Plugin simplifies the process of generating a unified code coverage report for multi-module Gradle projects. Leveraging the power of JaCoCo, it seamlessly aggregates coverage data across all subprojects, creating a comprehensive overview of your project's test coverage. This plugin is ideal for large-scale projects where insight into overall code quality is essential. |
(08 November 2023) |
com.starter.qualitySet of useful plugins that might be useful for Multi-Module Android projects. |
(24 August 2024) |
com.kokonetworks.quality.toolsGradle plugin that generates ErrorProne, Checkstyle, PMD, CPD, Lint, Detekt & Ktlint Tasks for every subproject. |
(31 August 2020) |
com.doist.gradle.ktlintThis plugin is mainly designed to validate the code styles on changed kt files. |
(11 January 2022) |
com.github.neherim.quality.checkCheckstyle for every subproject. |
(18 March 2020) |
io.github.woolph.quality-checkAdds dependency check and sonarqube to your build. |
(07 May 2024) |
com.github.spotbugsPerforms quality checks on your project's Java source files using SpotBugs and generates reports from these checks |
(04 September 2024) |