Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.form.diff-coveragePlugin that computes code coverage on modified code |
(09 July 2022) | that computes new code coverage based on Git commits difference |
(01 February 2024) |
dev.turingcomplete.bitbucket-code-coverageA plugin that provides the capability to publish code coverage to Bitbucket. Currently, only JaCoCo reports are supported. |
(26 January 2024) |
io.github.galvin.code-coverageA gradle plugin for Android which can inspect incremental code test coverage |
(17 December 2020) |
com.palantir.jacoco-coverageThe com.palantir.jacoco-coverage plugin allows Gradle build scripts to configure minimum Java Code Coverage thresholds for projects, packages, classes, and files. The com.palantir.jacoco-full-report plugin adds a task that produces a Jacoco report for the combined code coverage of the tests of all subprojects of the current project. |
(07 June 2016) |
com.palantir.jacoco-full-reportThe com.palantir.jacoco-coverage plugin allows Gradle build scripts to configure minimum Java Code Coverage thresholds for projects, packages, classes, and files. The com.palantir.jacoco-full-report plugin adds a task that produces a Jacoco report for the combined code coverage of the tests of all subprojects of the current project. |
(07 June 2016) |
io.github.estivensh4.jacoco-coverageThe io.github.estivensh4.jacoco-coverage plugin allows Gradle build scripts to configure minimum Java Code Coverage thresholds for projects, packages, classes, and files. |
(23 February 2023) | that computes code coverage on modified code |
(08 September 2024) | that computes code coverage on modified code |
(02 December 2024) |
com.azizutku.jacocoaggregatecoveragepluginThe JaCoCo Aggregate Coverage Plugin simplifies the process of generating a unified code coverage report for multi-module Gradle projects. Leveraging the power of JaCoCo, it seamlessly aggregates coverage data across all subprojects, creating a comprehensive overview of your project's test coverage. This plugin is ideal for large-scale projects where insight into overall code quality is essential. |
(08 November 2023) |