Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
all.shared.gradle.code-common-tasksA Common Set of Gradle's Tasks for Backend's and Frontend's Development<br> automatically applied |
(10 November 2018) |
all.shared.gradle.project-style-checkerA small set of tasks for checking file style for all files and for checking code style of Gradle's code |
(04 September 2019) |
all.shared.gradle.base-style-config-wrapperA wrapper for 'base-style-config' configurations |
(15 August 2019) |
com.figma.code.connectThe Gradle plugin for Figma Code Connect that handles parsing and creation of Code Connect files. This plugin is used in conjuncttion with the Figma CLI tool in order to connect design systems in code to Figma designs. |
(30 September 2024) |
com.graphql-java-generator.graphql-gradle-plugin3graphql-gradle-plugin3 is a Gradle Plugin for GraphQL, based on graphql-java. It accelerates the development for both the client and the server, by generating the Java code. It allows a quicker development when in contract-first approach, by avoiding to code the boilerplate code. The graphql-gradle-plugin3 is compiled against SpringBoot3 and Spring Framework 6. |
(28 August 2024) |
com.graphql-java-generator.graphql-gradle-plugingraphql-gradle-plugin is a Gradle Plugin for GraphQL, based on graphql-java. It accelerates the development for both the client and the server, by generating the Java code. It allows a quicker development when in contract-first approach, by avoiding to code the boilerplate code. |
(28 August 2024) |
io.github.dryrum.bump-version-codeThis plugin increment the android version code property located into the file of an android app |
(16 March 2024) | that computes new code coverage based on Git commits difference |
(01 February 2024) |
dev.turingcomplete.bitbucket-code-coverageA plugin that provides the capability to publish code coverage to Bitbucket. Currently, only JaCoCo reports are supported. |
(26 January 2024) |
com.saveourtool.diktatStrict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting code smells, code style issues and bugs |
(18 December 2023) |