Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
de.fhdo.seelab.CodeGeneratorPlugin for custom code generation processes |
(04 July 2018) |
io.freefair.code-generatorA plugin for executing specified code generators |
(03 February 2025) |
dev.randos.resourcemanagerResourceManager is an Android plugin that simplifies accessing Android resources (strings, colors, drawables, etc.) in both Android and non-Android components (e.g., ViewModel) using generated code. |
(07 December 2024) |
com.graphql-java-generator.graphql-gradle-plugin3graphql-gradle-plugin3 is a Gradle Plugin for GraphQL, based on graphql-java. It accelerates the development for both the client and the server, by generating the Java code. It allows a quicker development when in contract-first approach, by avoiding to code the boilerplate code. The graphql-gradle-plugin3 is compiled against SpringBoot3 and Spring Framework 6. |
(28 August 2024) |
com.graphql-java-generator.graphql-gradle-plugingraphql-gradle-plugin is a Gradle Plugin for GraphQL, based on graphql-java. It accelerates the development for both the client and the server, by generating the Java code. It allows a quicker development when in contract-first approach, by avoiding to code the boilerplate code. |
(28 August 2024) |
io.github.peppshabender.r4jPlugin for automatically creating resource holders. |
(09 December 2023) |
io.github.stepanovd.springwolfdoc2dtoA plugin that helps you generate DTO model by Springwolf docs |
(05 September 2023) |
io.github.saw303.restapiContract first driven REST resource generator for Micronaut, Spring & JAX-RS |
(01 September 2023) |
com.graphql_java_generator.graphql-gradle-plugingraphql-gradle-plugin is a Gradle Plugin for GraphQL, based on graphql-java. It accelerates the development for both the client and the server, by generating the Java code. It allows a quicker development when in contract-first approach, by avoiding to code the boilerplate code. |
(04 April 2023) |
net.devrieze.gradlecodegenA plugin to aid with codeGeneration without using buildSrc. It provides an additional generate section to sourceSets. In this section individual files to be generated can be specified. Each sourceset has an accompanying ...generator sourceSet where the actual generator source can live. |
(01 March 2023) |