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This plugin is required for Clean Wizard Kotlin Symbol Processor multi-module class generation. If your project is single-module, no need to apply it. It allows youto generate classes in various modules, so if you have data, domain and presentation modules and want to generate classes for each module, use this plugin.

(05 August 2024)


This plugin is required for Clean Wizard Kotlin Symbol Processor advanced configuration. Using the following plugin you are able to configure how classes are generated, for instance, using this plugin, you are able to change the DTO classes prefix from DTO to Dto.

(05 August 2024)


Plugin to generate immutable data structures (Kotlin source code) with collections that contain a limited set of elements addressed by coordinates. Also generates tools to diff data and (de)serialize such diffs.

(08 September 2022)


Generates UML diagrams that can be used with documentation tools like asciidoctor.

(07 October 2018)


Often implementing mvvm architecture in the android, there are always a boilerplate code. Such as Mapper for converting models from the network to the domain,creating data sources and data repositories etc. This plugin aims to reduce the boilerplate such codebase

(25 August 2024)