Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.sinch.gradle.alldepsA plugin adding printing all subproject dependencies to root project's `dependencies` task. |
(09 December 2024) |
nrlssc.projectsConfigures boilerplate for Subproject, Coprojects, and Dependencies support. Applied to your settings.gradle |
(04 October 2024) | App Javadoc Builder Gradle plugin lets you generate API documentation as a single, combined HTML document for an application that spans different subprojects, each one representing a different component of the same application. |
(15 March 2024) | App Docker Gradle plugin lets you build a single Docker image for an application that spans different subprojects, each one representing a different component of the same application. The Docker image can then be pushed to a registry. |
(15 March 2024) |
se.premex.ownershipCheck for existance of OWNERSHIP.toml in subprojects and verify that it contains ownership information. Will soon also check for description and have additional tasks to generate code owner files that are understood by source control systems. Attaches to the check |
(02 December 2022) |
io.github.alexiyorlov.gradle.subdepsGives an ability to declare sub-project dependencies easier, from the root project. |
(07 December 2019) |
org.hiero.gradle.feature.publish-maven-centralConventions for 'io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin' to publish to Maven Central and filter which modules are published through the '-PpublishingPackageGroup' parameter (subproject plugin) |
(13 February 2025) |
org.hiero.gradle.buildEntry point settings plugin that applies a basic set of 'org.hiero.gradle' convention plugins to the build and to all subprojects |
(13 February 2025) |
com.huanshankeji.generate-kotlin-js-browser-webroot-for-vertx-webGenerate webroot from a Kotlin/JS subproject with browser target for Vert.x Web |
(04 December 2024) | App JSDoc Gradle plugin lets you generate JavaScript documentation as a single, combined HTML document for an application that spans different subprojects, each one representing a different component of the same application. |
(05 November 2024) |