Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
io.github.uoxx3.cjfxGradle plugin used for creating JavaFX projects in a simple and fully configurable way. |
(06 September 2024) |
com.verificationgentleman.gradle.hdvl.dvtA plugin that creates DVT projects from HDVL sources |
(30 June 2024) |
io.qalipsis.bootstrapA plugins that helps you to create new projects for QALIPSIS, a load, performance and end-to-end testing software |
(21 May 2024) |
com.github.minigdx.jvmConfigure your gradle project for creating a minigdx game that target the JVM platform. |
(08 May 2021) |
com.github.minigdx.jsConfigure your gradle project for creating a minigdx game that target the web platform. |
(08 May 2021) |
com.github.minigdx.commonConfigure your gradle project for creating a minigdx game. |
(08 May 2021) |
com.github.tomek39856.ngspringbootpluginPlugin creates angular project and attaches it to spring boot resources |
(02 March 2020) |
com.azizutku.jacocoaggregatecoveragepluginThe JaCoCo Aggregate Coverage Plugin simplifies the process of generating a unified code coverage report for multi-module Gradle projects. Leveraging the power of JaCoCo, it seamlessly aggregates coverage data across all subprojects, creating a comprehensive overview of your project's test coverage. This plugin is ideal for large-scale projects where insight into overall code quality is essential. |
(08 November 2023) |
com.savvasdalkitsis.module-dependency-graphThis plugin adds a new task (graphModules) to your project which will create an image with the graph of your module dependency tree |
(02 June 2023) |
io.github.luiqn2007.gradle_plugins.build_tasksRunning some tasks before building, you can create tasks in your projects with java and run before compileJava task, or execute "runSourceTask" task. To use this plugin, you need add compileOnly dependency "com.github.luiqn2007:UselessPluginLib", and create task class in `lq2007.plugins.gradle_plugin` package in your source, implement interface. You can create or edit source by javaparser. |
(27 February 2022) |