Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
dev.sigstore.sign-baseThe plugin provides tasks and configurations so you can wire your own Sigstore signing. If you want sign everything with standard configuration, then consider dev.sigstore.sign plugin instead |
(22 November 2024) |
org.danilopianini.publish-on-centralA Plugin for easily publishing artifacts on Maven Central |
(21 November 2024) |
me.modmuss50.mod-publish-pluginThe Mod Publish Plugin is a plugin for the Gradle build system to help upload artifacts to a range of common destinations. |
(14 November 2024) |
name.remal.jacoco-to-coberturaConvert Jacoco XML reports to Cobertura format for importing in GitLab CI coverage report artifact |
(12 November 2024) |
org.jetbrains.kotlinx.rpc.pluginThe plugin ensures correct RPC configurations for your project, that will allow proper code generation. Additionally, it enforces proper artifacts versions for your project, depending on your Kotlin version. Resulting versions of the kotlinx.rpc dependencies will be 'kotlinVersion-kotlinxRpcVersion', for example '1.9.24-0.2.0', where '0.2.0' is the kotlinx.rpc version. |
(05 November 2024) |
org.ysb33r.ysf-project.sonatype.ossrhPublishes YSF artifacts to Maven Central via Sonatype OSSRH. |
(30 October 2024) |
com.tisonkun.osdetectorA Gradle plugin that detects the OS name and architecture, providing a uniform classifier to be used in the names of native artifacts. |
(23 October 2024) | recipe libraries with the minimum of opinions or conventions about any other aspect of the build. Does not configure artifact repositories or publishing. Use if you want to build a recipe library as OSS. |
(23 October 2024) | module that is built with Java but does not publish artifacts |
(23 October 2024) |
org.jetbrains.kotlinx.rpc.platformThe plugin enforces proper artifacts versions for your project, depending on your Kotlin version. Resulting versions of the kotlinx.rpc dependencies will be 'kotlinVersion-kotlinxRpcVersion', for example '1.9.24-0.2.0', where '0.2.0' is the kotlinx.rpc version. |
(01 October 2024) |