Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.bnc.gradle.travis-ci-versionerUses the Travis CI build number to create the patch version number when running in CI. The major and minor versions are controlled manually. |
(19 November 2019) |
eu.davidea.grabverAn easy Gradle plugin that follows rules to automatically generate the Patch version, Build number and Code version, while Major, Minor and Pre-Release suffix remain under our control. |
(01 August 2024) |
net.praqma.promotePromote a bundeled collection of Artifacts |
(13 March 2017) |
de.gurkenlabs.semverguru"SemVerGuru" is your go-to Gradle plugin for effortless version management. Powered by Grgit and git describe, it seamlessly derives your project's version from Git tags. Take control of your versioning journey with easy Semantic Versioning increments, and with one-click git tag pushing. Keep it simple, stay semantic, and let SemVerGuru handle your project versions with ease. |
(31 December 2023) |
org.patuf.gradle-release-pluginMinimum complexity, maximum control gradle release plugin |
(03 June 2017) |
org.uulib.gradletagPlugin to define tags on a project's version control system. |
(03 November 2017) |
net.raumzeitfalle.gradle.gocdversionAllows to use GoCD pipeline environment details to be used in version numbers. Provides very simple method to create MSI/WIX compatible version numbers e.g. from Git version tag. |
(22 August 2024) |
xyz.ronella.simple-gitThe plugin that allows you access to git commands inside gradle as task |
(09 December 2024) |
de.ploing.scmversionA Gradle plugin that exports information from the version control system to the build system |
(27 June 2016) |