Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
org.jetbrains.gradle.liquibaseRun migrations from Gradle using the Liquibase runtime. |
(20 February 2023) |
org.antoraA Gradle plugin that installs and runs Antora using a managed Node.js runtime. |
(27 January 2023) |
ch.essmann.gradle.check-java-versionThis plugin checks the Java version your Gradle build is running with. If the version is lower than the required minimum version or it exceeds the maximum version accepted, then the build is aborted with an friendly, easy to spot error message pointing towards the problem. This should help to avoid having to dig through the build output to find only to find an unsupported class file version error messages buried somehere in the output due to a bad Java runtime version. |
(03 July 2022) |
dev.madetobuild.typedconfigAutomatically configure generator and runtime for TypedConfig, a strongly-typed configuration library |
(01 March 2022) |
com.shinow.oas-doc-gradle-pluginThis plugin uses swagger-ui to generate an OpenAPI description at spring application runtime. |
(19 September 2021) |
io.github.fourlastor.pickle-processorAn implementation of Cucumber for Android which generates the tests classes at compile time instead of runtime |
(04 April 2021) |
rkennel.withdbAdd DB JDBC drivers to your gradle runtime dependencies |
(08 March 2021) |
me.bristermitten.pdmSets up PDM to automatically download any dependencies for Spigot plugins |
(15 February 2021) |
ru.clevertec.plugin.aspectj.ltwPlugin which adds support for Late Time Weaving to gradle project |
(26 January 2021) |
us.ihmc.scsRuntime configuration for IHMC's Simulation Construction Set. |
(24 November 2020) |