Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
io.github.vladislavsevruk.graphql-model-generator-pluginThis plugin helps to generate java POJO models for GraphQL Request Body Generator library. |
(10 November 2022) | plugin that integrates specgen Java code generation into the Gradle build process. |
(17 October 2022) |
io.github.mmalygin.openapi-generatorThis plugin allows you to generate client and server SDKs for different languages, documentation and new generators from OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.x specifications. It does mostly the same things as openapi generator plugin but has a set of additional parameters: 1. Java client retrofit2 generator: add "interfaceOnly" additional property. If it's true, only API interfaces are generated. 2. Java client retrofit2 generator: allow to select serialization library when interfaceOnly = true. It's possible to use jackson instead of gson. 3. Possibility to configure useOneOfInterfaces via additional properties. Generation oneOf interfaces for Java Spring generator. |
(02 October 2022) |
io.github.artfultom.vecenta-gradle-pluginPlugin for Vecenta Framework code generation. It allows generation of clients, servers, models and exceptions. |
(05 August 2022) |
io.github.hlangjian.webappBuild and bundle frontend in Java project |
(03 August 2022) |
io.github.godfather1103.gradle-base-pluginEncapsulates some common syntax, such as setting Java options.encoding=UTF-8, clearing Maven target directory when cleaning. |
(16 July 2022) |
io.freefair.jsass-javaCompiles SASS and SCSS in your java resources (src/*/resources) |
(20 June 2022) |
io.github.kyay10.kotlin-null-defaultsKotlin compiler plugin that allows Java callers to use null in place of default parameters |
(18 June 2022) |
io.github.crimix.replace-placeholdersA Gradle plugin that configures ProcessResources task from Java Plugin to replace placeholders dynamically using prefixed properties |
(18 June 2022) |
io.github.ushiosan23.resgenIt is a plugin used to automatically generate assets to a java application (Similar to what android studio does, but very basic) |
(31 May 2022) |