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Due to the limitation of gradle apply from limitation, apply from https endpoint can not using authentication. so using this plugin can apply from a gradle script file from dependencies.

(01 May 2020)


Gradle plugin that applies Gradle build scripts in jars. So that you can package multi Gradle build scripts into a jar, and distribute it to any repo as a standard artifact.

(16 November 2015)


Gradle plugin that improves integration of jOOQ and Flyway plugins by improving Gradle uptodate check on jOOQ task adding check of currently applied Flyway scripts.

(26 March 2017)


The Dependency Graph Analyser (DGA) Connector Plugin is designed for use with Gradle multi-project builds. It collects module dependency data from all Gradle projects within the build and exports this information in a format compatible with the DGA CLI tool for further analysis and visualisation. The plugin is typically applied using a Gradle init script, making it easy to integrate into existing builds without modifying individual project configurations.

(13 September 2024)