Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.mikepenz.kotlinx.binary-compatibility-validatorProduces binary API dumps and compares them in order to verify that binary API is preserved. Forked plugin with regex filter support. |
(22 August 2024) |
com.ryandens.temurin-binaries-repositoryDefines an ivy repository for Gradle projects to enable builds to consume binaries released by the Eclipse Adoptium GitHub account |
(16 September 2024) |
io.github.fluxo-kt.binary-compatibility-validator-jsAllows dumping TypeScript definitions of a JS part of a Kotlin multiplatform library that's public in the sense of npm package visibility, and ensures that the public definitions haven’t been changed in a way that makes this change binary incompatible. |
(10 June 2024) |
com.github.erdi.webdriver-binariesA plugin that downloads and caches WebDriver binaries specific to the OS the build runs on. |
(08 August 2023) |
dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator.settingsValidates the public JVM binary API to make sure breaking changes are tracked. This is a Gradle Settings plugin and can be applied in a `settings.gradle` or `settings.gradle.kts` file. |
(02 May 2023) |
dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validator.projectValidates the public JVM binary API to make sure breaking changes are tracked. This is a Gradle Project plugin and can be applied in a `build.gradle` or `build.gradle.kts` file. |
(02 May 2023) |
dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validatorValidates the public JVM binary API to make sure breaking changes are tracked. |
(02 May 2023) |
com.energizedwork.webdriver-binariesA plugin that downloads and caches WebDriver binaries specific to the OS the build runs on. |
(03 February 2018) |
gov.raptor.gradle.plugins.binary-compatibilityRaptorX Community Binary Compatibility Plugin |
(11 February 2025) |
com.github.vontikov.sbe-generator-pluginSimple Binary Encoding plugin |
(12 May 2024) |