Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
org.zkovari.mermaid.ext.gitlabGradle plugin for generating dependency graphs as Mermaid diagrams. GitLab extension. |
(15 March 2020) |
dev.migu.dependency-graph-generator适用于 Gradle(Android) 工程;相关图形规范请参考 Graphviz 官网 |
(13 February 2020) |
ch.addere.dga.connectorpluginThe Dependency Graph Analyser (DGA) Connector Plugin is designed for use with Gradle multi-project builds. It collects module dependency data from all Gradle projects within the build and exports this information in a format compatible with the DGA CLI tool for further analysis and visualisation. The plugin is typically applied using a Gradle init script, making it easy to integrate into existing builds without modifying individual project configurations. |
(10 September 2024) |
com.rickbusarow.module-checkFast dependency graph validation for gradle |
(07 February 2023) |
dev.migu.dependency.graph.generator适用于 Gradle(Android) 工程;相关图形规范请参考 Graphviz 官网 |
(19 January 2020) |
com.rickbusarow.gradle-dependency-syncAutomatically sync dependency declarations between a build.gradle.kts file and a .toml file |
(30 October 2021) |
ms.ralph.gradle.dependency-plantuml-exporterA Gradle plugin to export module dependency graph as PlantUML style text. |
(10 May 2020) |
com.github.ivancarras.graphfityGraphfity creates a dependency node graph about your internal modules dependencies, helping you to analise and optimize the internal dependencies between your project modules, generating a png image about your project which is specially useful if you are developing a multi-module application |
(11 November 2023) |
com.ebay.graph-analyticsGradle plugin to perform project graph analysis, assertion, and reporting for multi-module projects |
(04 September 2024) |
com.naren.dependency.class-dependencyThis plugin utilizes ClassGraph to generate depedency graphs to visualize the relationships between the classes |
(28 July 2019) |