Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
name.remal.merge-jacoco-reportsPlugin that merges all jacoco reports. |
(12 February 2019) |
name.remal.merged-jacoco-reportPlugin that merges all jacoco reports in current project and all subprojects. |
(18 August 2021) |
io.freefair.aggregate-jacoco-reportAggregate Jacoco Report Plugin |
(04 October 2024) |
io.github.estivensh4.jacoco-full-reportThe io.github.estivensh4.jacoco-full-report plugin adds a task that produces a Jacoco report for the combined code coverage of the tests of all subprojects of the current project. |
(23 February 2023) |
org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-full-reportThe org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-coverage and org.wrlyonsjr.jacoco-full-report plugins provide tasks and configuration to aggregate jacoco coverage reports and thresholding at the root project level. |
(18 February 2020) |
com.oliverspryn.gradle.testcoveragereporterExtracts unit test coverage metrics from a JaCoCo report and displays a summary in the build output |
(22 November 2019) |
com.palantir.jacoco-full-reportThe com.palantir.jacoco-coverage plugin allows Gradle build scripts to configure minimum Java Code Coverage thresholds for projects, packages, classes, and files. The com.palantir.jacoco-full-report plugin adds a task that produces a Jacoco report for the combined code coverage of the tests of all subprojects of the current project. |
(07 June 2016) |
name.remal.jacoco-to-coberturaConvert Jacoco XML reports to Cobertura format for importing in GitLab CI coverage report artifact |
(15 May 2024) |
net.razvan.jacoco-to-coberturaThis plugin converts jacoco xml reports to cobertura. Make sure the jacocoTestReport runs before. |
(09 July 2023) |
io.github.chiragji.jacoturaGradle plugin to convert JaCoCo coverage reports to Cobertura coverage reports |
(21 June 2023) |