Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
org.muehlbachler.gradle.plugin.dependency-update-notifierNotifies GitLab about new dependency updates. Requires the com.github.ben-manes.versions plugin! |
(29 December 2021) |
io.github.betterme-dev.betterlibsGradle plugin reporting third party libraries update |
(24 April 2024) |
com.legyver.update-readme-versionUpdate the library version in your README files based on project version. In effect, this auto-updates the standard gradle dependency usage ONLY (not short form, or maven, or grape, etc) |
(18 June 2022) |
org.standardout.bnd-platformBuild OSGi bundles and p2 repositories / Eclipse Update Sites from existing libraries and their dependencies, e.g. from Maven repositories. Useful for instance for creating a target platform for Eclipse/Equinox or Maven Tycho build from third party dependencies. |
(08 March 2024) |