Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
---|---| to provide network components for iOS & Android |
(04 March 2024) |
com.contentsquare.error.analysis.networkCollect network data through code instrumentation |
(02 July 2024) |
net.corda.plugins.cordformationCordformation allows you to build your own local Corda networks for development |
(23 May 2023) |
com.yelp.codegen.pluginA Gradle plugin to generate networking code from Swagger Specs |
(21 February 2020) |
io.github.vivekgupta4git.mvvm-archOften implementing mvvm architecture in the android, there are always a boilerplate code. Such as Mapper for converting models from the network to the domain,creating data sources and data repositories etc. This plugin aims to reduce the boilerplate such codebase |
(25 August 2024) |
org.jetbrains.kotlinx.rpc.pluginThe plugin ensures correct RPC configurations for your project, that will allow proper code generation. Additionally, it enforces proper artifacts versions for your project, depending on your Kotlin version. Resulting versions of the kotlinx.rpc dependencies will be 'kotlinVersion-kotlinxRpcVersion', for example '1.9.24-0.2.0', where '0.2.0' is the kotlinx.rpc version. |
(20 August 2024) |
org.jetbrains.kotlinx.rpc.platformThe plugin enforces proper artifacts versions for your project, depending on your Kotlin version. Resulting versions of the kotlinx.rpc dependencies will be 'kotlinVersion-kotlinxRpcVersion', for example '1.9.24-0.2.0', where '0.2.0' is the kotlinx.rpc version. |
(20 August 2024) |
io.github.joleksiysurovtsev.gradle-dev-containers-starterA Gradle plugin to automate the deployment of Kafka and Zookeeper containers using Docker. It handles container creation, initialization, and network setup. With each new version, new containers and tasks will be added |
(05 September 2023) |
me.madhead.gradle.ngrokThis plugin allows you to start ngrok tunnel as a part of your build |
(13 February 2023) |
com.gamechangesns.saleskeyThis plugin automatically adds commonly used dependencies like Retrofit(for Network Call), Glide(for Image Rendering), Firebase(for Cloud Messaging), Recyclerview, CardView, ConstraintLayout etc. It also enable dabtaBinding and Java 8. |
(16 August 2021) |