Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.rivancic.files-pluginPlugin that can sort provided files based on a particular rule (alphabetically, creation date, extension) |
(11 July 2023) |
org.spongepowered.gradle.sortEnables tasks for sorting specific types of things for Sponge related development |
(18 June 2020) |
com.liferay.lang.builderThe Lang Builder Gradle plugin lets you run the Liferay Lang Builder tool to sort and translate the language keys in your project. |
(19 December 2024) |
com.github.youribonnaffe.gradle.formatFormat Java source code and sort imports using Eclipse formatter |
(28 February 2016) |
com.blogspot.toomuchcoding.testprofilerThe idea of this plugin is to perform profiling of your tests. You will be able to see your test execution times sorted in the descending manner together with an information about a module and the class name from which the test was executed. |
(12 November 2015) |
io.pivotal.labs.exedistA Gradle plugin which makes distribution zips runnable, as a sort of alternative to an uberjar. A London Beach production :guardsman::palm_tree:. |
(17 April 2015) |