Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
net.kyori.invent-sources-jarA plugin which adds a task to create a JAR containing sources. |
(31 May 2019) |
com.sebchlan.javacensorJava Censor is a Gradle plugin that enables developers to publish sources of closed source projects to a Maven repository. It does this by removing implemented code only leaving the signatures of public interfaces, classes, methods and fields behind. |
(20 February 2018) |
com.github.skazzyy.sourcesSimple plugin for publishing sources and javadoc in java projects |
(24 September 2015) | the MSAL to the project |
(10 February 2025) |
se.premex.grossGenerates a list of open source licenses you depend on. Depends on the output of licensee from cashapp - Can generate a static list or copy licenses to android assets. As licensee supports KMM the plugin could support more platforms but current only supports android. |
(13 November 2024) |
com.anatawa12.mod-patching.sourceThe source patching plugin of Mod Patching |
(10 July 2023) |
com.vjh0107.special-sourceSpigot SpecialSource gradle plugin |
(02 November 2022) |
io.github.raccoon1515.sourcecryptThe plugin that encrypts your source code |
(02 May 2022) |
net.socialhub.j2objccontrib.j2objcgradleGradle Plugin for J2ObjC, which is an open-source tool from Google that translates Java source code to Objective-C for the iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. The plugin is not affiliated with Google but was developed by former Google Engineers and others. J2ObjC enables Java source to be part of an iOS application's build, no editing of the generated files is necessary. The goal is to write an app's non-UI code (such as application logic and data models) in Java, which is then shared by Android apps, web apps (using GWT), and iOS apps (using J2ObjC). |
(16 June 2021) |
io.freefair.sources-jarThis plugin adds a sourcesJar task |
(06 April 2021) |