Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
---|---| plugin which adds dependencies and configurations to enable Auto Validator. |
(01 March 2024) |
com.softicar.gradle.code.validationThis plugin enables a project to execute self-contained code validation logic, i.e. code validation logic that is implemented in the project itself or in one of its dependencies. |
(06 February 2023) |
io.github.stefankoppier.openapi.validatorOpenAPI specification validation library |
(29 October 2023) |
dev.adamko.kotlin.binary-compatibility-validatorValidates the public JVM binary API to make sure breaking changes are tracked. |
(02 May 2023) |
com.softicar.gradle.dependency.validationThis plugin is useful to validate manual dependency conflict resolutions, e.g. by failing the build in case of accidential downgrades of dependencies. See the Javadoc of the plugin class for more details. |
(06 February 2023) |
com.github.lucacampanella.cordadeterministicvalidatorplugin.corda-deterministic-validator-pluginCompiles code against the deterministic Corda compiler and modules, checking if it is indeed deterministic |
(17 July 2019) |
io.github.fomin.conventional-commits-validatorGradle plugin for conventional commits validation |
(05 February 2025) |
com.appunite.placeholdersvalidatorGradle plugin which validates placeholders from translated strings.xml files by comparing them with main strings.xml file. |
(06 December 2024) |
com.mikepenz.kotlinx.binary-compatibility-validatorProduces binary API dumps and compares them in order to verify that binary API is preserved. Forked plugin with regex filter support. |
(22 August 2024) |
io.github.fluxo-kt.binary-compatibility-validator-jsAllows dumping TypeScript definitions of a JS part of a Kotlin multiplatform library that's public in the sense of npm package visibility, and ensures that the public definitions haven’t been changed in a way that makes this change binary incompatible. |
(10 June 2024) |