Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
ws.gross.bootstrap-manifestGradle plugin to generate bootstrap manifest files (properties file with ids and version fields) to use with nexusPrivatePluginsBootstrap feature in private-repo plugin. |
(06 July 2023) |
io.bkbn.skribeGradle plugin for generating rich API clients from a variety of spec formats |
(19 May 2023) |
org.technologybrewery.flyway-java-migration-checksum-gradle-pluginA plugin that provides baseline approach for generating checksums for Java-based Flyway database migrations |
(15 May 2023) |
com.facebook.kotlin.compilerplugins.dataclassgenerateData Class Generate is a Kotlin compiler plugin that helps to address Kotlin data class binary size overhead |
(09 May 2023) | project integrates Smithy with Gradle. This plugin can build artifacts from Smithy models, generate JARs that contain Smithy models found in Java projects, and generate JARs that contain filtered *projections* of Smithy models. |
(17 April 2023) |
io.github.jobernas.gradle-conventional-changelogUse the format established by Google's Angular team to automatically generate a changelog file from git commit messages. |
(30 March 2023) |
io.github.leofuso.argoA Gradle plugin aimed to help working with Apache Avro.It supports code generation for JSON schema declaration files(.avsc),JSON protocol declaration files(.avpr), and Avro IDL files.In the future, it should support Schema Registry integration, as well." |
(23 March 2023) |
net.cucumbersome.jooq-docker-composePlugin useses docker-compose to start database, migrate it with flyway and generate jooq classes |
(18 March 2023) |
dev.jamiecraane.plugins.kmmresourcesGradle plugin for generating localizable resources for Android and iOS in a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile project for use in the UI, android, iOS and shared framework code. |
(10 March 2023) |
gae.piaz.layer3genGenerates Spring standard 3 layer classes (Controller, Service, Repository) starting from JPA entities |
(26 February 2023) |