Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
com.github.janbarari.gradlebuildtimetrackerA lightweight console tool that shows you how much time you spent at Gradle build process. Simple analytics tells you time spent for the day, month, year, and also you can export it as a CSV file. |
(03 July 2021) |
com.github.eutro.hierarchical-langFlatten or expand Json files. |
(21 June 2021) |
net.socialhub.j2objccontrib.j2objcgradleGradle Plugin for J2ObjC, which is an open-source tool from Google that translates Java source code to Objective-C for the iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. The plugin is not affiliated with Google but was developed by former Google Engineers and others. J2ObjC enables Java source to be part of an iOS application's build, no editing of the generated files is necessary. The goal is to write an app's non-UI code (such as application logic and data models) in Java, which is then shared by Android apps, web apps (using GWT), and iOS apps (using J2ObjC). |
(16 June 2021) |
be.nrb.dt.swaggerPlugin to generate model and client from a swagger file. The generated code is based on lombok and Spring webclient |
(01 June 2021) |
com.github.thahnen.uniformdependenciesA plugin to handle dependencies based on a properties file provided containing all dependencies used |
(18 May 2021) |
de.timfreiheit.resourceplaceholdersGradle plugin which adds support for ${placeholder} manifestPlaceholders in Android resource files |
(10 May 2021) |
ca.watier.gradle.plugins.gradle-execution-reporter-pluginThis plugin monitors the Gradle's tasks and write the failed ones into as json file. |
(08 May 2021) |
com.github.hierynomus.licenseApplies a header to files, typically a license |
(04 May 2021) |
com.github.hierynomus.license-baseBase plugin to apply a header to files, typically a license |
(04 May 2021) | is a gradle plugin for android. Refresh (upload and download) localization files using Forked from, in order to stop using the deprecated V1 API |
(29 April 2021) |