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A Docker plugin for Gradle. Details and usage can be found on the project website or the example project at

(16 March 2024)


The WSDL Builder Gradle plugin lets you generate Apache Axis client stubs from Web Service Description (WSDL) files.

(15 March 2024)


Boxfuse is the easiest way to deploy your JVM-based applications to AWS. Boxfuse builds minimal fully-provisioned images in seconds. These images are immutable and tailor-made to do only one thing: run your app as efficiently as possible on the cloud. There is no ssh, no general purpose operating system and no tedious provisioning. Boxfuse images are lean, secure and efficient. You can run them on VirtualBox for development and deploy them unchanged and with zero downtime on AWS for test and production. While Boxfuse works with any .jar or .war file, it is especially optimized for Spring Boot, Dropwizard, Tomcat and TomEE. All you need is a GitHub user to get started. The Boxfuse free plan aligns perfectly with the AWS free tier, so you can deploy your application to EC2 completely free. Find out more and get started at
(01 February 2024)


Generate modern API Clients in Kotlin from OpenAPI specifications. Supports OpenAPI >= 3.0.0.

(18 December 2023)


GluonFX plugin allows to run JavaFX application on the JVM or to create their native images.

(06 December 2023)


AxenAPI Generator allows generation of async API (Kafka, Rabbit etc) client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3).

(24 November 2023)


Gradle plugin for creating TypeScript client code from Spring controllers and Jackson classes

(09 November 2023)


Flyway by Redgate is an open-source database migration tool. It strongly favors simplicity and convention over configuration. It is simple, focused and powerful. It runs on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux, Java and Android. It is based around just 6 basic commands: Migrate, Clean, Info, Validate, Baseline and Repair. Migrations can be written in SQL (database-specific syntax (such as PL/SQL, T-SQL, ...) is supported) or Java (for advanced data transformations or dealing with LOBs). It has a Command-line client. If you are on the JVM, we recommend using the Java API (also works on Android) for migrating the database on application startup. Alternatively, you can also use the Maven plugin, Gradle plugin, SBT plugin or the Ant tasks. And if that not enough, there are plugins available for Spring Boot, Dropwizard, Grails, Play, Griffon, Grunt, Ninja and more! Supported databases are Oracle, SQL Server, SQL Azure, DB2, DB2 z/OS, MySQL (including Amazon RDS), MariaDB, Google Cloud SQL, PostgreSQL (including Amazon RDS and Heroku), Redshift, Vertica, H2, Hsql Derby, SQLite and solidDB. More info:

(12 October 2023)


Kotlin Multiplatform compiler plugin to have client-server communication with the absolute minimum of boilerplate.

(16 August 2023)


Sunday Generator is a code generator for Sunday HTTP clients and JAX-RS server stubs in multiple languages.

(29 July 2023)