Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
org.jetbrains.qodanaQodana Gradle plugin allows to run and configure Idea inspections for Gradle project |
(22 December 2024) |
com.kazurayam.inspectus4katalonadds 'gradle drivers' task which downloads required jars from the Maven Central repository to locate them into the Drivers folder of a Katalon Studio project |
(17 November 2024) |
io.github.manriif.supabase-functionsThe plugin helps in building Supabase Edge Functions using Kotlin as primary programming language. It offers support for multi-module project and Javascript sources. Additionnaly, it provides gradle tasks for serving, inspecting and testing your functions locally and later deploying them to a remote project. |
(25 October 2024) |
dev.ahmedmourad.nocopy.nocopy-gradle-pluginThe Gradle plugin for no-copy, a Kotlin compiler plugin that performs `copy-erasure` on data classes. |
(21 February 2024) |
io.github.toxa2033.saved-stateKotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables. |
(08 June 2022) |
io.github.galvin.code-coverageA gradle plugin for Android which can inspect incremental code test coverage |
(17 December 2020) |
at.droiddave.graphettoInspector Graphetto is a Gradle build plugin to inspect and visualize the task execution graph of your build. |
(29 April 2020) |
io.intrepid.static-analysisGreetings from here! |
(18 March 2020) |
de.theodm.intellij2checkstyleIntellij2checkstyle converts inspection reports of the IntelliJ Idea IDE to the useful checkstyle xml format. The project also contains tools to simplify the execution of the IntelliJ Command line inspector. |
(07 September 2018) |
org.mikeneck.gradle-jdeprscan-pluginGradle plugin that scans a use of deprecated APIs in classes built by a project using `jdeprscan` command, which is introduced since jdk9. |
(22 November 2017) |