Owner: Shushant tiwari
Simplify resource management in your Jetpack Compose project with the Generate App Resource Class plugin. This Gradle plugin automates the creation of a Kotlin class that acts as a central hub for accessing application resources such as strings and drawables directly from your Composables.
Version 1.0.1 (latest)
Created 29 December 2023.
Add this plugin to your build using the plugins DSL:
plugins {
id("dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin") version "1.0.1"
See also:
Adding the plugin to build logic for usage in precompiled script plugins.
See the relevant documentation for more information.
Add this plugin as a dependency to
:dependencies { implementation("dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin:dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin.gradle.plugin:1.0.1") }
It can then be applied in the precompiled script plugin:plugins { id("dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin") }
The legacy method of plugin application.
See the relevant documentation for more information.buildscript { repositories { gradlePluginPortal() } dependencies { classpath("dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin:dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin.gradle.plugin:1.0.1") } } apply(plugin = "dev.shushant.generate-app-resource-class.plugin")
- Applying plugins to all subprojects .