Search Gradle plugins
Plugin | Latest Version |
---|---| access to parameters supplied to a Gradle build. |
(05 April 2024) |
org.hiero.gradle.feature.publish-maven-central.rootConventions for 'io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin' to publish to Maven Central and filter which modules are published through the '-PpublishingPackageGroup' parameter (root project plugin) |
(13 February 2025) |
org.hiero.gradle.feature.publish-maven-centralConventions for 'io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin' to publish to Maven Central and filter which modules are published through the '-PpublishingPackageGroup' parameter (subproject plugin) |
(13 February 2025) |
com.dua3.cabeA plugin that adds assertions for annotated method parameters at compile time. |
(06 January 2025) |
net.kyori.indra.licenser.spotlessHelper for configuring license header generation in Spotless with template parameters and differing formats |
(28 August 2023) |
io.github.themrmilchmann.toolchain-switchesA Gradle plugin that adds command line parameters that may be used to dynamically switch between toolchains for specific tasks. |
(06 March 2023) |
io.github.diegopmendes.ssmgradlePlugin responsible for retrieving a list of Parameter Store and setting the system's local environments |
(14 December 2022) |
se.solrike.cloudformationGradle plugin for create/update and delete AWS Cloudformation stacks. The parameters for the Cloudformation template can be managed per environment and kept in for instance Java properties files. Min Gradle version 7.0. |
(29 November 2022) |
io.github.kostyanoy.helios-pushThis plugin allows you to push your files to the helios server by setting up parameters only once |
(09 November 2022) |
io.github.mmalygin.openapi-generatorThis plugin allows you to generate client and server SDKs for different languages, documentation and new generators from OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.x specifications. It does mostly the same things as openapi generator plugin but has a set of additional parameters: 1. Java client retrofit2 generator: add "interfaceOnly" additional property. If it's true, only API interfaces are generated. 2. Java client retrofit2 generator: allow to select serialization library when interfaceOnly = true. It's possible to use jackson instead of gson. 3. Possibility to configure useOneOfInterfaces via additional properties. Generation oneOf interfaces for Java Spring generator. |
(02 October 2022) |